Monday, March 6, 2017

An Exercise in Perspective

Thirteen Ways of Looking at My Father
(with apologies to Wallace Stevens)

Among many souls passed along,   
The only one moving
Was the soul of my father.   

I was of three hearts,   
Like a child   
torn between three beloved stories.   

My father buzzed through his days.   
It was a small part of his manipulation.   

My father and my mother
(were) one.   
My father and the other[s]
Are one.   

I do not know which to prefer,   
The memories of my childhood
Or the mystery of innuendoes. 
The truth uncovered
Or just after.   

Words filled the infinite days
With stories of unknown verity.   
The shadow of the truth   
Danced around edges carved by elaborate tales.   
The full text   
an intricate machination
impossible to comprehend.   

My father of my childhood,   
Why do you imagine golden tales?   
Do you not see how the colors
infiltrate the world around you
blending—ultimately--into darkness?   

I know your heart of justice
And the clear, inescapable beats of righteousness;   
But I know, too,   
That the lies are involved   
In what I know.   

When my father left the first time  
five days of vigil
one of many circles.   

At the sight of his return   
Flying in a golden light,   
Even the doubts of a small child
Would vanish, simply.   

He found renewed life
In a fragile story.   
Once, fear of truth pierced him,   
But then clear honesty
Boldly embracing the lie as truth

Time is moving.   
My father’s life must be flying.   

It was ending as it began.   
It was his reality   
And it was going to remain his reality.   
My father wrote   

the world he imagined he lived.